Thursday, March 1, 2007

fit theory

It’s a humbling experience reading other prospective applicants blogs , so many qualified candidates with good stats and yet they get dinged from many schools but there’s always one school which accepts them… I’ve become a convert in the ‘fit theory’ I think I really need to find the right school for myself and convince them that I am the right candidate … lets see how things go you guys will soon know …

I had tried to detox all the baddies out of my system but living in Melbourne its not easy … I have to go to friends for parties or socials and its no possible to refuse a small shiraz or a few crowns (beer) or some other alcoholic drink :) , I used to have a nice excuse ‘I’m driving’ but it does not work when your date is driving :( … so I decided why struggle I guess i wont really loose that many neurons if I have a few beers :) I seem to enjoy it anyways :)), besides i’m already an coffee addict I guess we have to have some addiction in life ? …

So best of luck to me! And lets see how it goes …


Nat4mba said...

There is a simple trick that usually works: keep a half-full (or half-empty;) glass and gesticulate a lot with the hand in which you keep it. Practice before you do it in public ;) In this way, people tend to not mention the fact you are not drinking actually.

Anyway, indeed, why fight alco addiction if you will have to attend to a lot of parties when at school :))

krutoj said...

privet Natasha ! spacibo za sovet intresnoi sovet dumau mne mnoga intresnova uchit ot tibe :)) !! kak ya uze skazal v svoi bloge shto ya kofe-golik a ni alkogolik :)) , no ya be ni otkazalsya ot horoshie shiraz ili pino :))),,,, like i've said in my blog i'm a coffee-addict .. but thanks for the tip its a gr8 tip :)) and yes why fight it when an MBA is full of parties :))), i guess its a bit like the russians say "bez pol litra ni obietis :))))))))))))"!!!

PS:for those of U who cant read russian U'd better learn some cos its really hard to translate some of the stuff from russian 2 eng :)))))))))) my fav is "ni pira ni puxa"that's best of luck in russian , and the correct way to acknowledge it is NOT by saying "thank you" but the russian equiv of "f*** off" This is TRUE!!!