Friday, February 2, 2007

Goodies from amazon :)

With lots of exercise , green tea, fruit, + sleep I’ve managed to detox all the nasties from my system with the exception of caffeine (cant seem to give up coffee so I’ve quit trying , more on coffee later …)

Today I finally received my package of four books from Amazon , ‘your MBA game plan’ and a ‘how to’ book on MBA by Richard Montauk the OG quant and a TOEFL iBT book which is pretty useless now since I’ve already given TOEFL without the book and scored 113. So if anyone needs a ‘free’ brand-new book on TOEFL with the CD let me know and I will air-mail it to you , i think its better this way rather than throwing it in the bin(knega tofel na halyavu, estli kamu to nado pishite ya vam otpravlyu po obichnoi pochte air-mail: ) ).

That’s about it for today , overall my prep for GMAT is going a bit slow I guess I’ll pick up speed soon (I’d better ) … --Cheers and have a gr8 weekend !


Alex said...

have fun with TEOFL prep! )

krutoj said...

Alex! spacibo (thanks) but i have already given TOEFL and got 113, maybe i wrote a confusing blog thats why you did not get it :)), i just wanted to give out my book on toefl (which arrived very late) to someone instead of throwing it in the bin [ya uze cdal toefl poluchil 113, prosto hotil kamu to podarit knigu kotorie ya poluchil po pochte ochin pozdno i ni izpolzoval...] no ostalos tolko gmat kotorie ya sobirayus cdavat v 27-ova i application deadline is march1 :))

Alex said...

oh I see. Then good luck with GMAT!))

RusGirl said...

Good luck :) It will be cool if you can make it!

krutoj said...

spacibo alex i rusgirl ! posmotrim kak poluchitsya :-)... oh! and rusgirl have fun , u'll soon be a student again :))